Our hunting dog likes to pursue for the purpose of catching and killing an animal.When someone opens the door she knock over all the barrels in the yard and she runs rapidly.She runs for her liberty to greensward with hilarity.Her nose looks for an odour of cats, rabbits or other animals that humanbeings can’t perceive.She smells and twisted her tail swiftly.She changes her direction of her tail twisting.Maybe these actions make her gains to speed.
The Government Printing Office in Washington D.C keeps very important informantions that most of the people don’t know.It is the official publishing house for the federal government.It puts in the circulation a lot of books and small books consisting of a few paper about a discussion or something like these.There is a wide variety area of subjects in these books such as the dangers of X-rays from home TV set sor the identification of mushrooms.Superindented of Documents provide approximately 27.000 puplications many of which are cheap and some of which are free.
The first rich in America is John Jacob Astor who was a German immigrant.Actually he was born in low condition and he was deprived of proper education.He never couldn’t speak English as a native speaker.He started with trading Indian furs and then his money was growing ang growing.All problem of him was his Accent because his Accent make people remember to the Hamburg Street-boy which was the end of his career.